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Auto Insurance

Autoowner with Auto insurance Coverage

Most states set the minimum amounts of liability coverage that every driver must carry. Legally, this is a state requirement, but it may not be enough to protect you financially. Our team here at Valor Insurance works with drivers to get the most appropriate coverage for their lifestyle. We spend time with each client so that you understand the benefits of a policy and how it protects you.

It’s good to understand what liability insurance covers. If there is an accident where you are found to be at fault, the liability policy will provide funds to cover the other person’s repair costs or medical bills up to a certain limit as defined by the state’s requirements. The liability policy will not pay for repairs to your car or cover any medical expenses. If the injured person’s expenses exceed the amount covered by the liability policy, they can sue you. In that case, you could be held responsible for the legal fees, as well as, any bills that exceed the liability policy’s limit. For many families, this type of situation is financially devastating. When you visit with your Valor Broker, you can talk about your needs and your lifestyle. We will recommend the most appropriate coverage for the best rate. The best time to get insurance is before you need it.

Accidents are costly. Even simple accidents can result in repair, medical and legal bills that cost thousands of dollars. It quickly becomes apparent that liability coverage policies only provide the most basic protection and may not be enough. At Valor Insurance, our brokers are ready to talk about your coverage needs. Our online tools and information can help get you started thinking about your needs. Then call or visit to request a quote and get more in-depth information. Don’t blindly get the minimum required coverage. At Valor, you’ll get the policy (and financial protection) you need!