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I Have A Mortgage, Does My Lender Require Me To Have Home Insurance?

Most mortgage lenders require borrowers to have homeowners insurance to protect their investments. Although the type and amount of coverage required vary from lender to lender, all mortgages come with some level of home insurance requirement. Valor Insurance in Easton, PA  can provide expert insurance advice on this important coverage.

Here we discuss whether your mortgage lender requires home insurance.

Does Your Mortgage Lender Require Home Insurance?

The main reason mortgage lenders require home insurance is to protect their investment. If something were to happen to your home, such as a fire or severe weather damage, the lender would want to be sure that their investment is protected.

Home insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that you and your lender are protected in the event of a disaster. With Valor Insurance, located in Easton PA, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible coverage for your home.

How Much Home Insurance Coverage Does Your Mortgage Lender Require?

Your mortgage lender wants to ensure their investment is protected in case of any disasters. That’s why they require you to have home insurance. The thing is, the amount of coverage they require can vary.

Generally, your lender will require you to have enough coverage to rebuild your home if it were completely destroyed. They may also require you to have a certain amount of liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property.

The best way to determine how much coverage your lender requires is to speak with them directly. They’ll be able to give you the specific details of what they need.

Once you know how much coverage your lender requires, you can start shopping for a policy that meets those needs. Be sure to compare rates and coverages from different companies before making a decision.

Contact Us Today

As you can see, most mortgage lenders require borrowers to have homeowners insurance. This is to protect their investment in case of any disasters that may occur.

The amount of coverage required can vary from lender to lender. It’s important to speak with your lender directly to find out how much coverage they require. Once you know the amount of coverage you need, get in touch with Valor Insurance in Easton, PA to get started on your home insurance policy.